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Did you ever think that Israel needs our help?


Do you know that thousands of Israeli families are suffering from food poverty and need help? Keeping up with household expenses can be challenging for middle-class families also nowadays. In fact, the poorer Israelis are, the more at risk they are. There are several attempts by Israel’s government to assist the poor, but they fall far short of ensuring food, clothing, and education for their families

In order for a child to develop properly, they need to be fed properly. As a result of their capacity to learn and develop faster, well-fed children are more likely to participate fully in society later in life. So how can you help?

Meir Panim is a well-known Israeli charity dedicated to keeping Israelis healthy and free of hunger, poverty, and malnutrition. Therefore, if you would like to move your helping hand to donate to Israel, and be a part of Meir Panam Nobel’s work. 

Make a donation to Israel and be a part of great work

Meir Panim, founded in Israel, makes it easy for individuals to access meals through its dining centres. We offer hot, delicious, and healthy meals served by a waiter in a restaurant-like setting to hundreds of people every day. We encourage those who want to contribute to poverty reduction in society to invest in initiatives that do so.  Meir Panim, the largest charity in Israel, covers a wide variety of topics. Through Meir Panim, donors can contribute to a number of initiatives that affect different aspects of Israeli society. Please donate to Israel in support of this humanitarian cause. 

Israel’s largest charity is Meri Panim, which aids poor and starving families. We are more concerned than ever with the lonely and the isolated. With the donations and support from kindhearted and generous people who care, Meir Panim strives to help people suffering from food insecurity and deficiency. 

We provide fresh and nutritious food. Small children, families, older people’s homes, Holocaust survivors, and communities in need are among those it helps in Israel. Our food program helps thousands of needy people every week. We can work together to make Isreal great again.

Your donation will have a real impact on the future

The advantage of donating online is that you can stay safe without leaving your home at the same time. A charity organization like ours aims to fight against poverty, hunger, devastation, and disease. Providing food security to our people with dignity and self-respect is a goal of ours.be a part of our work and donate to Isreal.