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Ask The Contractor in San Jose: Things To Know About Winter Remodeling Projects


Winter brings several problems like snowfall, chilling wind, and frozen rain with it. To prepare your home in extremely cold weather, you can take certain preventive steps and ensure that your roof stays sturdy and intact even during heavy snowfall or frozen rain. You can take the help of a professional to remodel your home in the winter season so that it remains protected from any type of possible damage.

If you want to hire a professional contractor in San Jose, you can visit Done Right Home Remodeling website to know more about us and our services.  Before you start the remodeling project, you should understand in what ways you can upgrade your home in the winter season so that it remains protected in the extreme cold days.

Upgrade the plumbing system

Before the winter season arrives, you need to upgrade the plumbing system in your home. So, check if your bathroom or kitchen has some plumbing issues. You should repair the damage or water clogging if it is needed. You can change the bathroom items like the sink, the toilet, the bathtub, o the showerheads so that they become functional in the winter season. You can upgrade the shower area by adding sheer plastic curtains.

This will help separate the toilet area from the shower area and make the place look fresh and clean. Moreover, you can maximize the storage by adding cabinets in your bathroom. Adding accessories like decorative lights, mirrors, and green plants would be a great idea that you can incorporate into your house.

Similarly, you can upgrade the plumbing system in your kitchen area as it will create issues if left unattended in the winter season. Hire a general contractor if you are confused about how to remodel your home to make it winter-ready.

Build a sunroom in the porch area

If there is a space available adjacent to your front porch area then you can utilize that space to build an additional seating area or a sunroom. Break one side of the wall to extend the porch area to build an additional seating area using wooden or glass walls. This will add a premium look to your home. You can add windows to facilitate ventilation into that area and make the space cozy.

Repair or upgrade your old roof

Heavy snowfall and frozen rain can worsen the roof condition if they get accumulated on your roof. Sometimes, snow gets deposited on your roof and clogs the gutters and drainage pipes. This further leads to water leakage issues on your roof. When the snow gets accumulated on your roof, it melts in the daytime and turns into solid ice pieces, which gives rise to ice dams on your roof. In such a case, your roof shingles get damaged as they get in contact with snow and water. So, you need to clear your roof immediately after you experience heavy snowfall. You can also hire our professionals to inspect if your roof has some issues. You can get your roof repaired if you notice any roofing issues before the winter arrives.

Replace the old insulation:

In the winter season, you have to create a cozy atmosphere in your home by maintaining the ideal indoor temperature. So, check if there is any damage to your insulation and upgrade it before the cold days start. Check if there are any damage or rodent activities in your attics so that you can address this issue by repairing the attic insulation. This will make your home energy-efficient and the indoor atmosphere comfortable.

Apply a fresh coat of paint

The paint on the walls loses its beauty over time. Hence, you should first think about changing the paint of the living area to make it look beautiful. You can choose the paint according to the theme you have decided for your living area; whether to keep it minimalistic, vibrant, or vintage. If you want to give your space a vibrant look, you should choose bold colors. If you want to keep it subtle, you should go with lighter shades. Our professionals will make you understand the concept of colors.


You need to upgrade certain aspects of your home in the winter season to make it look clean and fresh all the time. Moreover, your home will look organized, sorted, and beautiful, if you take care of certain aspects in harsh cold days. If you are confused about how to carry out things successfully then you can contact our experts and discuss with them how you can upgrade your home in the winter season without causing any damage to your property.